
Archive for July, 2009

Increased oxygen consumption associated with moderate- to high-intensity exercise appears to reduce the risk of cancer, a new study has found.

The Finnish study included 2,560 men, aged 42 to 61, whose leisure-time physical activity was assessed over one year. None of the men had a history of cancer, according to the report published online July 28 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

During an average follow-up of 16 years, 181 of the men died from cancer. Those who engaged in moderate- to high-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes a day were 50 percent less likely to develop cancer compared with the other men.

The researchers found that an increase of 1.2 metabolic units (oxygen consumption) was related to a decreased risk of cancer death, especially in lung and gastrointestinal cancers, after they took into account factors such as age, smoking, alcohol consumption, body mass index, and fiber/fat intake.

“The intensity of leisure-time physical activity should be at least moderate so that beneficial effect of physical activity for reducing overall cancer mortality can be achieved,” the study authors wrote in a news release.

(Source: HealthDay News, July 29,2009)

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I can’t remember where I got the information from but would like to share with you.

No matter how perfect we may think we are, there’s always some small way we can improve upon ourselves. There are seemingly endless little things we can do to make a change for the better.

Good health is the foundation of a good life, so make these improvements, and they’ll resonate out to the rest of your life.
(1) Eat breakfast every morning:
Eating breakfast is important for your health and mental power, supplying essential vitamins, minerals, and energy for your day.
(2) Get a good night’s rest:
You just can’t have a happy and productive life if you’re tired all of the time, so get some quality shut eye.
(3) Drink water:
Step up your water intake to lose weight, feel better, and improve your skin.
(4) Eat slowly:
Slow down when you eat, and you’ll find that you consume less while still feeling satisfied.
(5) Cut down on junk food:
Junk food has a nasty way of bringing your health down, so avoid it whenever possible, opting instead for healthy food like fresh fruits and vegetables.
(6) Practice good dental hygiene:
Researchers have found that dental hygiene is important for more than cosmetic reasons-it can help you chew food and even avoid heart disease.
(7) Drink tea:
Be sure to check out the powerhouse of benefits that tea can deliver, which includes improved memory and prevention of ills such as cavities, cancer, and heart disease.
(8) Get some exercise:
Whether you need to lose weight or not, exercise will have a positive effect on your overall health and quality of life.
(9) Improve your energy:
If you’re feeling sluggish all day, chances are you’re just not going to feel good about yourself. So take a few steps to boost your energy, and you’ll be better in your daily life.
(10) Intensify your workouts:
Researchers have found that by doing more intense workouts, you can enjoy similar benefits that you would with a more relaxed workout for a longer period of time.
(11) Enjoy fish a few times a week:
Eat fish, and you’ll get a serving of Omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce heart disease.
(12) Wear better shoes:
Don’t torture your toes with restrictive shoes all the time-limit the amount of time you spend in uncomfortable shoes.
(13) Protect your skin:
Stay out of the sun to avoid skin damage, or use sunblock to help.
(14) Eat at home:
It’s easier and cheaper to prepare healthy foods on your own at home, and skillfully cooking a meal is sure to impress just about anyone.
(15) Get tested for pre diabetes:
Diabetes is a disease that many are susceptible to, and by discovering it early on you can prevent it or lessen its impact.
(16) Take a daily walk:
Get a little bit of movement and clear your mind with a walk every day.
(17) Lose weight:
One of the best things you can do for your health and overall quality of life is to shed a few pounds.

Take these steps to change your social life for the better.
(1) Join a book club:
Get some social interaction while improving your knowledge with a book club.
(2) Get out of the house:
Believe it or not, the world just isn’t going to come to you. You’ve got to get out of your “zone” for social interaction.
(3) Volunteer:
For a rewarding social experience, look into volunteer opportunities.
(4) Ignore minor irritations:
Whether it’s some jerk in traffic, or incessant Facebook application requests, some things just aren’t worth dealing with.
(5) Start a blog:
Spark an online discussion and network with new people through a blog.
(6) Talk to strangers:
Don’t hesitate to spark a conversation with someone you don’t know-you just might enjoy yourself, or even make a new friend.
(7) Don’t stereotype or label people:
Avoid dismissing people based on factors you don’t fully understand, and you may find that they have something to offer you.
(8) Call old friends:
You’d be surprised how many people would be overjoyed to hear from you, especially if it’s been a while since you’ve seen them.
(9) Go to church:
Make new friends and get in touch with your spiritual side at church or temple.
(10) Host a party:
Spend some time with good friends and enjoy yourself at home by inviting others over for a party.
(11) Enjoy a hobby:
Having a regular, relaxing activity will bring you joy.
(12) Join a club:
Whether you’re into board games or photography, there’s a group out there for you.

Improve your emotional life with these simple strategies.
(1) Make an effort to be happy:
Whether you actually feel happy or not, make it a point to attempt happiness. It will help you feel better, as well as others around you.
(2) Consider religion:
If you’re not a spiritual person, consider becoming more involved with religion to improve your emotional well-being.
(3) Stop taking things personally:
Although it may seem to the contrary, know that not everyone is out to make your life harder.
(4) Be optimistic:
Put a positive spin on things and feel better about the future.
(5) Know when to lose sleep:
Sometimes, you have more important things to do than sleep, but they key is knowing when that should happen.
(6) Step out of your comfort zone:
Make it a point to step out of your comfort zone once in awhile. It’s a great way to advance yourself.
(7) Get rid of ill-fitting clothing:
Clothes that don’t fit right will just make you look bad and feel worse about yourself. If you love a piece, but it just doesn’t look good, consider getting it tailored.
(8) Spend time with a child:
Look at the world through a child’s eyes and get inspired. You’ll learn to appreciate simple things and see life with excitement.
(9) Pamper yourself:
Take care of yourself, whether that means getting a pint of ice cream now and then, or just getting a spa treatment.
(10) Celebrate your successes:
When you’ve accomplished something great, take a moment to feel good about it!
(11) Quit your technology addiction:
Although you may love your BlackBerry, you’ll feel a whole lot better if you just step away from the screen for a while.
(12) Set goals:
By setting goals, you’ll give yourself something to strive for and look forward to.
(13) Feel good about yourself:
Make a decision to improve your self-confidence, and you’ll feel better. Others will notice it, too.
(14) Be thankful:
Every now and then, take some time to acknowledge all of the good things you have in your life, big and small.
(15) Cut yourself some slack:
Avoid inventing your own impossible, stringent rules that you have to stick to-they’ll only make you feel nervous and guilty.
(16) Let go of the past:
Don’t hold grudges-let go, and you’ll free up emotional space.
(17) Don’t be dramatic:
Stop inflating small problems, or you’ll make yourself more anxious than you need to be.
(18) Express yourself:
Let your emotions come out through art, writing, or other forms of expression.
(19) Meditate:
Take some time out every day to have an inner dialogue with yourself.

Make these changes to improve your life’s financial outlook.
(1) Pay off debt:
Nothing will improve your finances better than simply getting rid of debt.
(2) Build an emergency fund:
Keep an emergency fund to save yourself from plummeting into the red when something pops up, and you’ll be much more secure.
(3) Track your spending:
At some point in their lives, nearly everyone has wondered where all their money goes. Try this exercise to finally get to the bottom of it, and identify spots where your money could be better spent.
(4) Be frugal:
Embrace frugality in your life, and you’ll save money while living more simply.
(5) Make extra payments:
Pay off mortgage and other large debts early, and you’ll take a load off.
(6) Diversify your income:
Provide yourself with some financial security by finding multiple sources of income.
(7) Save:
The concept is simple-save money, and you’ll have more financial power to do the things you’d like to do.
(8) Eat at home more often:
Eating out all the time may be fun, but preparing meals at home is a better financial strategy.
(9) Invest:
Investing is not only fun, it’s an excellent way to make your money grow.
(10) Set a goal:
Give yourself a financial goal to achieve, whether it’s saving for a particular item, or doubling your investments.
(11) Save for retirement:
Don’t give your future self a huge mess to take care of-save now, and you’ll enjoy it later.

Improve your mind by taking these simple steps.
(1) Go back to school:
Continuing your education does not have to be a complicated endeavour. Take an online class, or just a weekend seminar.
(2) Read classic books:
Improve your mind by finally picking up all those books you were supposed to read in school.
(3) Plan:
Always have a plan for your life, so you’ll know what you’re working toward.
(3) Quit procrastinating:
Resolve to get moving, and you’ll find that you have much more time than you originally realized.
(4) Get inspired by a book:
Read a book that will help you spark positive changes in your life.
(5) Learn from your mistakes:
Don’t let mistakes get you down. Instead, consider what you did wrong, and how you can avoid doing so again in the future.
(6) Stop worrying:
Let go of worry, and know that the future will come no matter what you do about it.
(7) Learn to play a musical instrument:
Pick up a guitar, or even a harp, to improve your mental capacity and have something fun to do.
(8) Work to your own advantage:
Improve upon what you can, and let the rest fall away.
(9) Think slowly:
Instead of jumping to conclusions, carefully calculate what a situation means. Doing so can help you save relationships that might be damaged by rash thinking
(10) Participate in a debate:
Have a rational discussion with someone of similar intellect to improve your knowledge.
(11) Learn a new language:
Broaden your horizons by learning how to speak a new language.
(12) Visit Wikipedia:
Spend some time on Wikipedia learning lots of interesting facts you’ve never realized before.

Make these changes in your daily life to improve upon yourself.
(1) Quit smoking:
It’s the single most important thing you can do for your health, appearance, and energy. You’ll smell better, too.
(2) Wake up early:
Be an early riser, and you’ll find that you have more time to get things done.
(3) Spend more time outside:
Head outside to become more active and enjoy the world around you.
(4) Be organized:
Make things easier on yourself by living a more organized life.

You spend so much time at work, but probably don’t often consider how you can improve upon this important facet of your life. Take these steps to make things just a little bit better.
(1) Make friends with your co workers:
One of the easiest and most important things you can do to improve your career is to practice inner networking. Socialize with your coworkers, and they’ll be more willing to help you when you need it.
(2) Improve your writing skills:
If you improve upon your writing skills, you’ll instantly sound more intelligent and persuasive.
(3) Collaborate:
Don’t go it alone-ask for help, and give help in return.
(4) Keep your inbox empty:
Reduce anxiety and simplify by clearing out your inbox as much as you can.
(5) Leave work at the door:
Don’t bring work home with you, or you’ll stress yourself out at home.
(6) Join a professional association:
Network with others in your field for fun and career advancement.
(7) Ask for a raise:
Simply asking for a raise you deserve is a no-brainer way to feel better about work and your paycheck.
(8) Improve your resume:
If you’re not happy with your job, give your resume a facelift and consider seeking a new position.
(9) Improve your system:
If you’ve got a messy desk, or generally lead a disorganized work life, take charge by reorganizing.
(10) Start your own business:
One of the best ways to improve your career is to go into business for yourself.

Getting involved in your community is a great way to improve upon your life. Try these methods for getting out there.
(1) Vote:
Impact your community’s future by participating in the election of officials.
(2) Donate unused items:
Instead of holding a garage sale, pass your old items on to people who need them-like books to schools, and clothing to shelters.
(3) Support charitable endeavours:
Whether it’s with money or time, do what you can to help out charities in your community.
(4) Be a coach:
Offer to coach a youth sport, and you’ll shape young lives while having fun.
(5) Visit your local library:
Take advantage of your community’s library to both save money and broaden your mind.

An excellent way to improve upon yourself is to reduce the negative impact you have on the world. Take these steps to get greener and change your life for the better.
(1) Work to reduce your carbon emissions:
Find out about the many things you can do to help cut your carbon emissions, and then take action on them.
(2) Improve your gas mileage:
Drive more slowly and coast as much as you can to improve your gas mileage.
(3) Turn off the lights:
Cut your waste and energy bill by turning off your lights whenever you don’t need them.
(4) Get a reusable water bottle:
Keep plastic water bottles out of our landfills by getting a container you can use over and over again.
(5) Reduce your trash:
Take steps to cut down on the waste you put in landfills.
(6) Buy local and organic food:
Support your health and local farmer by purchasing local, organic produce.
(7) Adjust your thermostat:
Let your heater and AC take a small break by adjusting your thermostat to reduce waste.
(8) Stop using plastic bags:
Quit using plastic bags, and you’ll both reduce your impact and save animals.
(9) Take shorter showers:
Save a precious resource by reducing the amount of water you use in your daily shower.

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Though discoveries about Alzheimer’s disease risk factors are often in the news, adults do not know about the relationship between Alzheimer’s disease risk and heart health, nor that physical activity can be protective against dementia, according to new research reported at the Alzheimer’s Association 2009 International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease (ICAD 2009) in Vienna.

An additional study reported at ICAD 2009 shows higher Alzheimer’s risk in veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

“Your brain plays a critical role in almost everything you do: thinking, feeling, remembering, working, and playing – even sleeping,” said Maria Carrillo, PhD, Director of Medical & Scientific Relations at the Alzheimer’s Association. “The good news is that we now know there’s a lot you can do to help keep your brain healthier as you age. These steps might also reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia.”

“There’s a strong and credible association between heart health and brain health. If people learn about and do some simple lifestyle modifications, such as being more physically active and eating a brain healthy diet, it could have an enormous impact on our nation’s public health and the cost of healthcare,” Carrillo added.

Adults Show a Poor Understanding of Alzheimer’s Link to Heart Health Risk Factors

Colleen E. Jackson, M.S., a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology at the University of Connecticut, and colleagues conducted an anonymous online survey of 690 adults to measure “dementia literacy,” that is, their knowledge and beliefs that may assist in the recognition, management, or prevention of Alzheimer’s.

Mean age of the population was 50 years, the range was 30-85 years; 76% of respondents were female. Ninety-four percent (94%) of participants were from the United States, with the remaining 6% from other English-speaking countries. The sample was relatively wealthy, with 18% of respondents making more than $200,000 per year at the peak of their careers, and well-educated, with 87% of respondents having completed at least 1-3 years of college.

The researchers found that 64% of study participants incorrectly indicated no association between Alzheimer’s and obesity or high blood pressure. Sixty-six percent (66%) did not know that high stress is a risk factor for dementia, and 34% did not know that physical exercise is a protective factor.

On the positive side, nearly all study participants (94%) correctly indicated that Alzheimer’s is not normal aging, and is not completely based on genetics.

“Our data suggest that American adults have limited knowledge and a poor understanding of factors that have been demonstrated to increase risk for Alzheimer’s, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and other heart health risk factors,” Jackson said. “They also didn’t know much about protective factors against Alzheimer’s, such as physical exercise, relative to the strength of the available research evidence.”

“We need more education programs and opportunities, across all demographic groups, focusing on behaviors that modify your risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease,” Jackson added.

PTSD Linked to Nearly Double Dementia Risk in Veterans

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common among veterans returning from combat and there is some evidence that it may be associated with reduced cognitive function. However, no study has yet investigated if PTSD increases the risk of developing dementia.

To address this emerging issue, Kristine Yaffe, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology and Epidemiology and Associate Chair of Research for the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, and Chief of Geriatric Psychiatry and Director of the Memory Disorders Clinic at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, and colleagues sought to determine if PTSD is associated with risk of developing dementia among older veterans in the U.S. receiving treatment in veterans’ medical centers.

They studied 181,093 veterans aged 55 years and older without dementia (53,155 veterans diagnosed with PTSD and 127,938 veterans without PTSD) using data from the Department of Veterans Affairs National Patient Care Database. Mean baseline age of the veterans was 68.8 years and 97% were male. They followed the veterans from 2001 through 2007, including tracking whether they were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s/dementia.

The researchers found that veterans with PTSD in the study developed new cases of dementia at a rate of 10.6% over the seven years of follow-up; those without PTSD had a rate of 6.6%. (Note: This is updated data from the researcher, which is why it differs from the attached abstract.) Even after adjusting for demographics, and medical and psychiatric comorbidities, PTSD patients in this study were still nearly twice as likely to develop incident dementia compared to veterans without PTSD (HR = 1.8, 95% CI 1.7-1.9). Results were similar when they excluded those with a history of traumatic brain injury, substance abuse or depression.

“It is critical to follow patients with PTSD, and evaluate them early for dementia,” Yaffe said. “Further research is needed to fully understand what links these two important disorders. With that knowledge we may be able to find ways to reduce the increased risk of dementia associated with PTSD.”

(Source: ScienceDaily, July 24, 2009)

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Fundamental Techniques in Handling People:

(1) Don’t criticize, condemn or complain.
(2) Give honest and sincere appreciation.
(3) Arouse in the other person an eager want.

Six Ways To Make People Like You:

(1) Become genuinely interested in other people.
(2) Smile.
(3) Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
(4) Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
(5) Talk in terms of the other person’s interests.
(6) Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.

Win People To Your Way of Thinking:

(1) The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
(2) Show respect for the other person’s opinions. Never say, “You’re wrong.”
(3) If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
(4) Begin in a friendly way.
(5) Get the other person saying “yes, yes” immediately.
(6) Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.
(7) Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
(8) Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.
(9) Be sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desires.
(10) Appeal to the nobler motives.
(11) Dramatize your ideas.
(12) Throw down a challenge.

How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment:

A leader’s job often includes changing your people’s attitudes and behavioor. Some suggestions to accomplish this:

(1) Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
(2) Call attention to people’s mistakes indirectly.
(3) Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
(4) Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
(5) Let the other person save face.
( 6) Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement. Be “hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.”
(7) Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.
(8) Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct.
(9) Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.

(Source: Prerna231 Group)

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Want to look better and feel better? What if you could avoid just 10 food ingredients and make a huge improvement in your health.

Paula Owens, Author of “The Power Of 4” says avoiding these 10 things will change your body dramatically. Owens has a master’s degree in holistic nutrition and a bachelors degree in kinesiology.

She explains what ingredients to avoid and how your body will benefit if you avoid them.

HFCS is the number one source of calories for most Americans and causes obesity.

You’ll find high-fructose corn syrup in processed food, fast food, sodas, syrup that goes into your Latte, etc.

HFCS is extremely toxic to your liver, increases inflammation, causes obesity, oxidative stress and creates an aggressive insulin response.

Partially hydrogenated oils are found in thousands of processed foods (breakfast cereals, cookies, chips).

Trans fats are proven to cause heart disease and contribute to obesity.

Restaurant food, especially from fast food chains, often serve food loaded with trans fats.

Consequences of a diet high in trans fats include:
* increased inflammation
* decreased immune function
* decreased testosterone
* Arthritis
* Cancer
* Decrease IQ ­ learning disabilities. American IQ has dropped 20 points in the past 20 years.
* Diabetes
* Elevated blood pressure
* Free radical production
* Heart Disease
* Interferes with neurological & visual development of fetus
* Liver damage
* Obesity
* Osteoporosis
* Type II diabetes

(3) MSG
Monosodium glutamate is a chemical that has been associated with reproductive disorders, migraine headaches, permanent damage to the endocrine system leading to obesity and other serious disorders. MSG is used in many foods as a taste enhancer. It is linked to reduced fertility.

This is a preservative, coloring, and flavoring commonly added to bacon, ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, smoked fish and corned beef. Studies have linked eating it to various types of cancer.

When it comes to soy, much of what we read and hear about comes from the people who market it.

Before you mix up a soy shake, snack on a soy protein bar or pour yourself a glass of soy milk consider this: unfermented, processed soy inhibits the thyroid, is deficient in amino acids, is toxic to infants and shrinks the brain.

There are some redeeming qualities to soy, however these are found primarily in fermented soy products like tempeh, miso, natto and soybean sprouts.

If you want to get some health benefits from soy, stick to these four forms and pass on ALL processed soy milks, tofu, soy burgers, soy ice cream, soy cheese and other soy junk foods that are disguised as health foods.

Sugar is more addictive than cocaine! Sugar has a profound influence on your brain function and your psychological function.

When you consume excess amounts of sugar, your body releases excess amounts of insulin, which in turn causes a drop in your blood sugar, also known as hypoglycemia.

In addition, sugar is pro-flammatory damages skin collagen and promotes wrinkles, increases your appetite, depletes your body of B vitamins, causes joint degeneration, ADHD and other behavior disorders, stimulates cholesterol synthesis and weight gain.

Commercial table salt is highly processed and full of aluminum, chemicals and additives which are toxic. Opt for a healthier version such as Bragg’s amino acids or Celtic sea salt (light pink, grey or beige color).

Aspartame is an artificial, chemical sweetener found in many foods and beverages including desserts, gelatins, protein powder, low calorie foods, drink mixes and sodas.

It may cause cancer or neurological problems, such as dizziness, migraine headaches, weight gain, increased appetite, bloating, rashes or hallucinations.

Aspartame poisoning mimics symptoms of MS. NutraSweet is in over 7,000 foods!

Side effects:
* Increased heart disease
* Bloating and edema
* Brain seizures
* Cancer
* Cravings
* Headaches
* Predispose you to Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease
* Rashes and hives
* Weight gain ­ results in obesity

(9) FOOD COLORINGS (Blue 1, 2; Red 3; Green 3; Yellow 5, 6)
Six food colorings still on the market are linked with cancer in animal testing.

There is evidence that food coloring and food additives contribute to behavioral problems in children, lead to lower IQ, hyperactivity, ADHD, depression, hormonal dysfunction and cancer.

Red 3, used to dye cherries, fruit cocktail, ice cream candy and baked goods have been shown to cause thyroid tumors in rats.

This harmful artificial color causes cancer and changes in brain chemistry. Read the list of ingredients in your child’s cough syrup (artificial color).

Green 3 is a potential allergen and has been linked to bladder cancer. Green 3 is added to candy, mint jelly, cereals and beverages.

Blue 1 and 2, found in beverages, candy, baked goods, cereals and pet food have been linked to allergies and cancer.

Yellow 5 is the most notable artificial color because it causes the most immediate allergic reaction in people sensitive to salicylates such as aspirin.

Yellow 6 has been linked to tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney. Yellow 6 is added to beverages, sausage, gelatin, baked goods and candy.

Take home message ­ Stay away from any product listing an ingredient with a color plus a number.


Refined grains are devoid of nutrients, disrupt insulin levels and are highly allergenic for many individuals.

Wheat and gluten have adverse health affects for approximately 80 percent of the population. Gluten is a protein found combined with starch in the endosperm of grains, notably wheat, rye and barley.

Gluten intolerance/ sensitivity is severely misdiagnosed or under-diagnosed ­ one estimate says that 97 percent of all sufferers don’t know they have the disease due to unfamiliarity with it among U.S. physicians.

Signs and symptoms of gluten intolerance: The ultimate effect of this hidden wear and tear is the slow destruction of the healthy mucosa, or lining tissue of the small intestine causing an autoimmune response that’s similar to an allergic reaction.

In some cases there may be symptoms in childhood such as allergies, asthma, anemia, reoccurring infections, a constant upset stomach or milk intolerance.

Other symptoms are nasal and throat mucous, feeling of food sitting in stomach, bloating, gas, diarrhea with periodic constipation, mental fogginess and skin rashes.

In severe cases, as with Celiac disease, there can be seizures, psychosis, violent behavior and withdrawal from self.

Eliminate gluten-products for 3-4 weeks and tell me how great you feel.
It’s important to form a habit of reading the list of ingredients on ALL products!

(Source: ABC News, July 12, 2009)

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(Source: By B.P.GAUR)

“Life hugs us all. The problem is that it can’t tell if it’s hugging us with clouds or thorns. It hugs us with beauty, and all are beautiful.” 🙂

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(Source: Author, Anolia Orfrecio Facun)

“MAKING A DIFFERENCE” is not just a scheduled event or activity, but a moment any time when a person finds it in his/her heart to do something good, to care or to share, or to make a voluntary contribution to another individual, a community, or our society.

When we consciously give or do whatever we can to help maintain the wellness of individuals and families in our communities, these acts also contribute to the best quality of life of everyone in our society.

Let us continue to gather more bright ideas for our own lives and our surroundings.

Let’s now begin to count the ways and put them into action.

The TIME has come … We say ‘No more to gloom and doom!’

It is time to rise to our true potential … to experience total wellness in every area of our lives, contributing to solutions to maintain the quality of life we enjoy in our communities.

It is time for each of us to care more, to shine, and to carry the light of HOPE everywhere!

No one individual or one group, not even our government, can do it alone!

This is the time that we need each other most, to work together, joining our hands together in making a difference.

(1) Smile more often! Be amazed of how many will be happy to smile back at you. Besides, this is the best facial exercise you can make to delay aging signs – so smile!
(2) Eat right! Boost your immune system by eating more natural food, like fresh fruits and vegetables. This alone can significantly reduce your weight and health concerns.
(3) Exercise regularly. The reason is not just to lose weight, but it’s a great habit to maintain good health by improved circulation, elimination of body toxins, etc.
(4) Drink water more than ‘colored drinks’ for your health. Water has no sugar or additives.
(5) Read and learn more. Devote time and money for self-improvement, the best investment you can make that truly pays off.
(6) Love, care, give, and share more. This practice is the very purpose of your life.
(7) Keep believing – Pray – Nurture your spirit. This won’t cost you any, but help or answer to your needs can be just a prayer away.

(8) If you love them, then say it and show it! Do not take them for granted. They need both to hear and see you care.
(9) Spend more quality time with them. It is what they’ll remember most.
(10) Visit, write, call those you haven’t for a while.

(11) Give a helping hand and cheers – cooking, cleaning, or whatever they are limited to.
(12) Give a ride or offer to carpool with them whenever there’s a need.
(13) Involve them on activities that will continue to stimulate their senses, or they can contribute their gathered wisdom.

(14) Walk or create programs for youth to benefit them and rally for their good future.
(15) Give them more opportunities to explore and develop their natural gifts and talents, express their dreams and goals.
(16) Encourage our children more by your words and example. Stay positive!

For OUR VETERANS: (For the freedom we now enjoy is due to their sacrifices)
(17) Send cards or anything to show you remember and appreciate them.
(18) Recognize them and give a smile, a salute, or high-five when you see them around.
(19) Support their events and fundraising efforts to help them.

For our HOMELESS Citizens: (Just like you and me, they need care and understanding)
(20) Encourage them by taking time to help them get the help they need/resources to get back on track.
(21) Volunteer in your local shelters. There are many ways you can help or contribute.
(22) Help create more programs to help them get out of their situation.

For our VOLUNTEERS: (For helping us make things happen)
(23) Big “thank you!” note or anything to show your appreciation of them.
(24) Join them and be prepared to do a random act of kindness anytime.
(25) How about “volunteers appreciation day” to celebrate them and have a good break?

For OUR ENVIRONMENT: (We only have one planet, so we must take care of it)
(26) Clean and plant trees with your workmates, neighbours, etc. anywhere permissible.
(27) Recycle consciously, not just plastics and papers, but clothes and others you can share. Clean up your closet, garage, or storage for everything that you don’t need. Do a yard sale or simply drive to or call local charities for pickup. This is one recycling to meet needs of others.
(28) Learn more of what’s causing the global warming and contribute to preventions/ solutions.

For ALL of US:
(29) Sing, dance, and be happy no matter what. Brighter days are yet to come!
(30) Speak the truth. Seeking the truth can set someone free.
(31) Notice and say something good or positive to someone, and mean it.
(32) Learn survival techniques. Always be prepared for any emergency.
(33) Accept yourself. You are gifted and blessed more than you know.
(34) Be forgiving and understanding as you seek forgiveness and understanding.
(35) Learn how to budget or how to manage your money. Spend only on needs and the money that you actually have.
(36) Be involved in your community in making good things happen!
(37) Will you support me on my personal goal to make a difference (i.e., to reach at least three million people everywhere to bring HOPE and more OPPORTUNITIES for people to live better lives)?

About the Author:
“Make a Difference” Community Coordinator Anolia “Leah” Orfrecio Facun is a former registered nurse, public educator, entrepreneur, community health advocate, and volunteer. Over the past three decades, she has received numerous awards and recognitions from her work in business and the community. In her “Yes! The Secrets Work!” Leah shares the wisdom gleaned from her journey of surviving to her destination of thriving, so you too can reach the success, health, and happiness right around the corner. You can visit and meet her at the Secrets Work’s Blog.

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(1) No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

(2) Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

(3) Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

(4) High Sugar Consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

(5) Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

(6) Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

(7) Head Covered While Sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

(8) Working Your Brain During Illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

(9) Lack of Stimulating Thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, and a lack of brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

(10) Talking Rarely
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.

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Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person’s lifetime.

When the person’s immune system is strong, the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumours. When a person has cancer, it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.

Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract, etc, and cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, etc..

RADIATION, while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumour size. However, prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumour destruction.

When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation, the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites or eating less meat, it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer and allows the body’s killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.

Cancer is a disease of the mind, body and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, unforgiving and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

Cancer cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily and keep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.

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Laughing is the smile of the world, it is enjoyment and it is a celebration of the good, and it is also how we deal with the bad. Laughing like crying, is a good way of eliminating toxins from the body.

If human life did not have laughing, that would be boring. Laugh is what makes life fun.

We often heard of the saying, “Laughter is the Best Medicine”. Laughter strengthens the immune system and lowers the stress hormones.

After a bout of laughter, blood pressure drops to a lower healthier level than when the laughter began.

Since laughing is something people can do sitting down, costs no money, and requires no special exercise, equipment or skill, it is the perfect workout for anyone, who does not have the time or desire to participate in a regular fitness program.

Did you know that a good belly laugh can give you the same benefits as an Aerobic Workout??? It is true. Jokes aside.

Laughing is free. You never pay to laugh. You won’t even need a spoonful of sugar to help this medicine go down.

Laughter does a lot of good things for us. It reduces pain and allows us to tolerate discomfort. It reduces blood sugar levels by increasing glucose levels in diabetics and on non diabetics. Exercise and laughter are good for the vascular system

Laughter, as a means of pain control, reduces muscle tension, distracts attention from the pain. It has a positive effect on a person’s attitude and can actually stimulate the release of endocrine, the natural painkillers. In addition, laughter stimulates the cardiovascular system thereby increasing oxygenation of the blood, which further promotes healing without much pain.

No amount of money can match the treasure we posses in our ability to laugh. Laughing is just plain fun and brings great joy to our lives.

So don’t worry – Be HAPPY and KEEP SMILING and LAUGHING !!!

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